Print Your Pictures! What May Not Happen In 50 years... {technology}While looking at my feed in my smartphone, as many of us do occupy with the technology which surround us, I came a cross an image posted...
My Best Wishes For You!A little something to get you started... Perhaps a bit long... But, this e-mail evoked the stimulation of emotions such as "New Year’s...
ISO 1200 Magazine | Photography Video blog for photographers: Photographer Platon gives us a tour ofPhotographer Platon gives us a tour of his studio Came across this incredible video, really touching indeed and thought: Hey! I want to...
Crop or Crap: Zack Arias Takes a Real-World | Insight to Photographer's World.Look at the Crop vs Full-Frame Debate Short and sweet! Definitely - a MUST watch - +Zack Arias - Has the most valid points......
WPPI 2014As a professional photographer, my life involves much more than just booking that next session and delivering images to my clients. ...