Many of those who know me, and know my work, already are aware that I am all about some community work - YES! Charities, Volunteering and General For the Community involvement and partnering with other non-for-profits. I have been presented the sweet chance to meet Erica Madden with Little Pink Houses Of Hope - { read BLOG here } and today while meeting at the Ocean Club here in our are [Indian Beach, NC] at The Ocean Club we came accross a group of extraordinary individuals who are part of Ocean Cure - These folks make sure that LPHOH - have a sweet activity while they are on the Sound side. Ocean Hope is a local 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing their time towards at-risk, medically fragile youth and adults. Ocean Cure, believe very strongly in using the healing properties of the ocean for not only physical disabilities, but emotional trauma and mental impairments as well. By using the ocean, their mission is to create uplifting personal experiences for not only the participant, but their families as well. Visit their website - Find out how you can help! Here are a few images of our time spent Sound side with these extraordinary folks!