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Perspective, Life Events That Shape YOU!


A path: roads, they may take you, perhaps where you don't want to go, but you will make it and choices will lead you where you need to be!

One year ago I took a leap of faith along with my husband to a place that had nothing to offer to me or the growth for my business; however, made the best possible.

We were faced with the challenge of empty promises, that lead to many other situations... And instead of dwelling on that we pushed forward...

This is a short story of courage, to never give up and never stop believing in the forces that'd be. He always has a plan for you, and we believe that!

You may ask what is the relationship of this note and the gorgeous image attached...? Here it is... While living in this distant places the West (the mountains of southern Utah, to be exact), I had a chance to cross paths with this amazing young girl. - the reflection is the following: I am now a year ahead and I am blessed to travel back west for a few days to the most famed convention for photographers "WPPI" in the next few day and now, I know the plan was so clear...

When I look at the images, these take me to the happy moments while in a truly less happy state in the west.

Regardless, I have made my business survive. In two different markets and this year we have done re structures, much like starting over... New market, new ideas, new clients, the fact that I re-A path: roads, they may take you, perhaps where you don't want to go, but you will make it and choices will lead you where you need to be!

One year ago I took a leap of faith along with my husband to a place that had nothing to offer to me or the growth for my business; however, made the best possible.

We were faced with the challenge of empty promises, that lead to many other situations... And instead of dwelling on that we pushed forward...

This is a short story of courage, to never give up and never stop believing in the forces that'd be. He always has a plan for you, and we believe that!

You may ask what is the relationship of this note and the gorgeous image attached...? Here it is... While living in this distant places the West (the mountains of southern Utah, to be exact), I had a chance to cross paths with this amazing young girl. - the reflection is the following: I am now a year ahead and I am blessed to travel back west for a few days to the most famed convention for photographers "WPPI" in the next few day and now, I know the plan was so clear... I am where I need to be.

When I look at the images, these take me to the happy moments while in a truly less happy state in the west.

Regardless, I have made my business survive. In two different markets and this year we have done re-structures, much like starting over... New market, new ideas, new clients. The fact that I have I re-created an established business in two different markets in about 8 months is baffling to me, I know one thing, it has been tough and exhausting, that included new marketing and challenging networking in a much saturated place... And I would not lie, yes, There have the moments of impending doom... Moments, in which I wanted to say forget it! But, these moments they will never win! My goals are clear and the future is wide!

I must honestly say that without the support I receive from a loving husband, family (parents ans sister) especially as well as my friends and clients, not to mention my mentors, and educating figures and other inspirational figures I have followed. My relations with each single one if them have allowed me to carry on and grow.

Although, I re-structured in less than 8 months ... I have been able to travel the states, while earning a living. My visions have been embraced by many individuals and corporations, and I know that the guys next door have the studio, the better and bigger and more expensive tools of the trade, I rely solely on my creativity and knowledge and always a prayer! So far these have been my best tools. My focus on people, not the income. When you give, that is when you become the person you are meant to be, everything is full circle and always returns to me.

My perspective, a year later is to inspire you. Somehow, I know there are still many roads to travel and many hearts to touch via my work and vision.

Do good to others, stay great and true to yourself... Never, never give up... No matter how grim and narrow the tunnel seems... There is always a light, that never goes out!

I thank the man above for that journey a year ago, that leap of faith... Somehow a long road, but obviously truly worth it!

Love always,


allie miller photography NC family photographer

North Carolina Family Photographer

NC Based | Travel Ready | No Fees in Eastern NC

Family, Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Emerald Isle, Atlantic Beach, Beaufort NC
Wrightsville, Bald Head Island, Topsail Beach

PO BOX 21 Willard, NC 28478
910.305.4501  |

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